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Need your logo in different sizes for social media, website, or print? Use our Logo Upload & Resize Tool to make it easy!

How It Works

  1. Upload Your Logo: Start by uploading your logo file in a standard image format (JPEG, PNG, etc.).
  2. Crop & Adjust: Once uploaded, you’ll see a cropping tool to adjust your logo to a square (1:1) ratio. Perfect for ensuring consistency across platforms.
  3. Optional Settings:
    • Rename File: If you’d like, you can rename your file for easy identification.
    • Email Option: Choose to have all resized files emailed to you directly after submission.

What You Get

Once you submit the form, we’ll generate a full set of logo sizes for you to use across social media, websites, and more! You’ll see each size displayed on the confirmation page with links to download each file individually.

Tip: Save your files to a secure location, and feel free to come back anytime if you need additional sizes or another format.