Jam Woman Clothing Wollongong screenshot of ecommerce website design
Jam Clothing Ecommerce Mobile Design screenshot
Jam Wollongong product ux design screenshot

About this project

Jam Clothing is a boutique woman’s store in Wollongong. During the Covid pandemic and lockdowns, they wanted to improve their website performance and increase sales.

The existing website was outdated and in need of a redesign that focused on the high-quality product imagery and provided a great shopping experience. With this in mind, the design was kept minimalist to showcase the product images. The website is built using WordPress and the WooCommerce plugin for eCommerce functionality. This also allows for easy store and order management.

UX Design

As the world of eCommerce continues to evolve, there are many shifts taking place. Customers expect to be able to buy products across different channels, including brick-and-mortar stores. In addition, customers want to shop anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

These changes are creating a shift in the way people shop, and retailers must adapt quickly or risk losing out on sales. To do this, they’re looking to technology to help them improve customer experience.

Easy navigation

Your website’s navigation should help customers find what they need quickly and easily. Navigation also improves your site’s SEO so you get found in searches.

Mobile Friendly

An increasing amount of online shoppers are accessing eCommerce websites on a mobile device, this means if your online store does not display correctly, load quickly or is hard to navigate you will be losing sales. The Jam Clothing website uses best practices in mobile UX design to create an equally satisfying experience for desktop and mobile users.

Online Store with WooCommerce

An online store built with the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress allows for a fully custom built frontend design and an easy to manage website for the owners.

  • New products can be easily added or edited through the easy to use backend.
  • Stock is automatically updated and easy to manage.
  • Payments can be taken through Stripe, PayPal or pay later services AfterPay and ZIP.
  • Orders or easy to manage.